Ektenia.com :: Hosting your ideas in Greece

Incorporating your ideas in Greece (TM)

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You have sorted it all out. You have the right people at the right spot. Your new business in Greece is thriving. And then the unexpected happens...

The Ektenia Network is dedicated to guaranteeing business continuity in up to 100% of possible eventualities. To facilitate that, we provide:

  • Premises (building, warehouse, open space) security
  • Personal guard
  • CCTV surveillance up to airport / military grade
  • Alarm systems of any globally commercially-available configuration
  • Patrol vehicles
  • Remote management and surveillance of the aforementioned on a 24/7/365 basis
  • IT security of military specifications. Encryption, antivirus, firewalling, training, auditing

Ektenia implements a 360-degree security solution. Now you can focus on what is really important: Your business. Please let one of our consultants contact you for further information.


The team

The Ektenia team comprises a diverse set of people, incorporated together to provide our customers with superior service.

We know exactly where you are coming from. We, together, understand the immense opportunity that Greece poses right now, more than in any other time. Greece is a gray market in some areas, but very vibrant and clear in most other. But we know that.

Our layers, accountants, I.T. personnel, security officers, auditors, administration staff, are chosen for their ability to deliver, and help you invest in Greece.

Our performance and deliverables are designed to be bound with SLAs (Service Level Agreements) and NDAs (Non-Disclosure Agreements) to your request, for your assurance, review of quality delivered, and protection.

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  • We pride ourselves to be the best in what we provide. Ask for our sample client list.

Wordwide perspectives

A small world, made smaller by organized effort.

  • Organiization
  • Quality
  • Standards