Ektenia.com :: Hosting your ideas in Greece

Incorporating your ideas in Greece (TM)

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Who we are

We are a company in Athens, Greece, that specializes in making it considerably easier for foreign companies and entrepreneurs to start their branch, or venture, in Greece.

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Our services

In one sentence, we undertake all state-side issues, and then help with the actual premises, organization, logistics, equipment and security.

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Time is money

We firmly believe that time=money. Therefore, we guarantee that your company's installation time in Greece will be the absolute minimum. See how:

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The Next Big Thing in Managing Innovation


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed varius viverra urna a hendrerit. Morbi consequat gravida tortor eu dignissim.

Aenean a urna nunc. Donec felis urna, lacinia sed commodo sed, cursus vitae magna. Nulla egestas, ante posuere pharetra pulvinar, leo turpis rutrum nibh, vel aliquet lacus sem sed urna. Duis non felis sapien.

Donec laoreet tortor a dolor lobortis fringilla. Proin id sapien sit amet justo placerat mollis a ut tortor. Nullam vel nisi neque, venenatis commodo magna. Pellentesque dapibus tempor nunc vel euismod. Morbi nulla odio, lobortis nec sagittis sagittis, convallis quis turpis. Aliquam erat volutpat.

Mauris eget urna nec ante auctor commodo eu at leo. Vestibulum egestas, dui eu egestas tincidunt, orci justo egestas diam.Praesent eu massa erat, sit amet tincidunt tellus. Ut ligula magna, fermentum in viverra ut, auctor ac enim. Mauris facilisis laoreet tortor a semper. Duis accumsan rhoncus libero, nec sollicitudin turpis molestie et. Aliquam mauris mi, facilisis eu volutpat a, sagittis nec dui. Sed viverra pretium eros, sit amet posuere enim dapibus non. Nulla ac purus et sapien placerat mattis. Fusce eu est in enim dictum egestas. Praesent bibendum elementum consequat. Maecenas ante orci, pharetra sit amet dignissim eget, lobortis vitae ligula. Sed elit neque, fermentum id bibendum sed, auctor pulvinar dui. Sed commodo fringilla auctor. Suspendisse ultricies risus imperdiet quam tempus quis commodo est vulputate. Ut id magna nulla, non fermentum diam. Cras et dapibus urna. Morbi turpis sem, porta et placerat dapibus, imperdiet et massa. Nunc tincidunt lorem a dolor pellentesque laoreet. Fusce dui quam, tempor sed tristique cursus, dictum ut orci.

The team

The Ektenia team comprises a diverse set of people, incorporated together to provide our customers with superior service.

We know exactly where you are coming from. We, together, understand the immense opportunity that Greece poses right now, more than in any other time. Greece is a gray market in some areas, but very vibrant and clear in most other. But we know that.

Our layers, accountants, I.T. personnel, security officers, auditors, administration staff, are chosen for their ability to deliver, and help you invest in Greece.

Our performance and deliverables are designed to be bound with SLAs (Service Level Agreements) and NDAs (Non-Disclosure Agreements) to your request, for your assurance, review of quality delivered, and protection.


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