Ektenia.com :: Hosting your ideas in Greece

Incorporating your ideas in Greece (TM)

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Who we are

We are a company in Athens, Greece, that specializes in making it considerably easier for foreign companies and entrepreneurs to start their branch, or venture, in Greece.

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Our services

In one sentence, we undertake all state-side issues, and then help with the actual premises, organization, logistics, equipment and security.

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Time is money

We firmly believe that time=money. Therefore, we guarantee that your company's installation time in Greece will be the absolute minimum. See how:

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Making it easier to invest in Greece

We know first-hand how difficult and time-consuming the Greek public sector can be. Let us take care of this for you. See how:

Ektenia's highly specialized people know upside-down every corner of the Greek public system. Our staff have been creating businesses for interested parties since 1972. Some of the things we do are:

  • take all necessary steps so that all applications to the public sector take the absolute minimum time that one legally can. You understand the impact of this to time saved...
  • eliminate wasted funds due to error.
  • undertake all bureaucratic procedures for you.
  • report to you at predefined intervals.

Your corporate development manager can get in touch with us to arrange an appointment.

The team

The Ektenia team comprises a diverse set of people, incorporated together to provide our customers with superior service.

We know exactly where you are coming from. We, together, understand the immense opportunity that Greece poses right now, more than in any other time. Greece is a gray market in some areas, but very vibrant and clear in most other. But we know that.

Our layers, accountants, I.T. personnel, security officers, auditors, administration staff, are chosen for their ability to deliver, and help you invest in Greece.

Our performance and deliverables are designed to be bound with SLAs (Service Level Agreements) and NDAs (Non-Disclosure Agreements) to your request, for your assurance, review of quality delivered, and protection.


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